Latest unstable release: 1.1.14 alpha (12/31/2014)
Afdarts 1.1.14 alpha mainly features a surface-level refactoring of the codebase to do things such as removing my use of Systems Hungarian notation, which apparently fell out of style since the books I learned from were written. I've learned a lot from making Afdarts since I started working on it in 2007, but in the last couple years I've mostly moved on to other projects. As a result, this may end up being one of the last (if not the last) Afdarts releases. Enjoy!
- removed most commented out code
- renamed modEng to modDX
- modDX can now load non-bitmap 2D sprite images
- combined tScn and tScnArray structures
- combined tUnit and tUnitData structures
- changed swap effect from copy to discard
- removed Systems Hungarian notation, which apparently fell out of style since the books I learned from were written
- music stops if game is minimized
- tweaked faction AI attraction calculation
- increased model editor frame rate limit
Latest stable release: 1.0.6 (8/15/2012)
I didn't think I would do this, but after more than a year of not expecting to make any more Afdarts 1.0.x releases, I've released Afdarts 1.0.6! I decided to make this release to fix a few crashes I found and because I found what was frequently causing small replays (now called "compact" replays) to desync from the originally played game. I also backported some improvements to the model editor and slightly improved the collision response while keeping it backward compatible. The VBA port is still based on 1.0.5 code because I don't want to borrow someone else's computer again just to use Microsoft Office.
- predefined random is calculated at program start instead of every form load (fixes some replay problems)
- improved model editor 2D display
- fixed missing comma when saving scenarios
- fixed bug in small replays in which individuals avoid positions that a future individual will start at
- shadows are no longer drawn off the map before units are made in replays
- user can no longer select or follow units that don't yet exist in replays
- collision response is now smoother
- fixed crash when dragging invisible scrollbar while displaying a short readme
- fixed crash when displaying empty readme
- unit creation time is now set to 0 or 1 milliseconds after simulation time
- fixed a bug that broke small replays saved after loading a saved game
- fixed crash when GetTickCount jumps from positive to negative values
- renamed small replays to compact replays and accurate replays to archive replays
- errors when saving cutscenes or videos are more gracefully handled
- temporary files are no longer made when menu-related files are missing
- scenarios are now saved correctly if the original file is modified after it is loaded