I released the source code that we used in the competition, with a few minor updates. You can download it from SourceForge.
2010 competition:
We won the silver medal at the 2010 RoboMagellan competition, though sadly no one touched the cone unlike in previous years. Strangely, the robot performed much worse during the competition than in our practice runs in the days before it, probably due to a magnetic source around the field confusing the compass. (Update: Other robots had similar problems in 2011, confirming this hypothesis. If you plan to enter RoboMagellan, don't use a compass!) You can watch videos of its runs below.
Andrew Downing (me): high-level software
Robert Ou: low-level daemon software
Matthew Downing: hardware
Alan Downing and Frank Ou (fathers): mentors
Former contributors:
Venkataram Apparao: hardware
Asheem Linaval: hardware and camera software